
Madrid, October 28, 2021 – If there is a sector of activity in which Spain is destined to be a world leader, it is agriculture. Our country is also the perfect testing ground for these technologies, with different climates, sun, water and fertile land. The time has come to modernize this profession to make it more efficient, to reduce the risks arising from snowfall, storms and gales, and to minimize food wastage at harvest.

Therefore, the new episode of the DigitalES 5G Podcast develops two use cases of 5G technology applied to this sector. Two use cases under development led by Orange Spain, one of them in Valencia, at the RAJALU farm, and the other in Galicia, at the AGROAMB farm. Both pilots have been promoted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, through Red.es with European ERDF funds.

As Cristina Urrutia, Social Responsibility and Sustainability at Orange, explains: “In Spain, we have the opportunity to be leaders in what we call ‘smart agriculture’, and to show the world how to apply agro-tech innovations to create more prosperous and healthier societies”.

Also participating in this episode are Javier Atero from Orange and Fran Huidobro from Qampo, the company that develops the application used by the farmers, moderated by journalist Pilar Bernat, founder of Zonamovilidad.es.

You can listen to this podcast:


Related information:

> DigitalES launches a podcast to learn about the best 5G projects in Spain

> Directory of 5G projects in Spain

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